More Beautiful Than Solomon

How does my heart resonate with Spring? I am filled with delight and wonder at the re-awakening of life. Plants germinating and pushing through the soil, and the tender green leaves of my linden tree are exquisite. I celebrate each wild flower in the field and in my garden. When it’s warm enough to have breakfast outside, I bask in the sunlight, allowing the birdsong of chickadees and house finches to thrill my soul.
Much has been written about the golden grandeur of King Solomon, of his vast wisdom and wealth. Today we associate ornate embellishments with the elite and wealthy of society. The high performing athlete, rock star, actor, or politician, are recognized by elaborate clothing and extravagant dwellings.
I choose the simple words of Jesus, when He says, “Look how the wildflowers grow; they do not work or make for themselves. But I tell you, that not even King Solomon with all his wealth, had clothes as beautiful as one of these flowers.”
There’s nothing more precious to a mama’s heart than when her child brings her a miniature nosegay of wildflowers. Perhaps when Jesus said these words, He was remembering a time when He was a small boy, bringing a little bouquet of wildflowers to His mother, Mary. May our eyes be open this Spring, to see simple beauty every day.