Soul Glass
Soul Glass; oil on canvas, 40″x40″
On of the treasures I look for when I’m beach combing is sea glass; small bits of broken glass that have been tumbled in the salty sandy waves of the ocean until they are transformed into unique translucent pieces of beauty. As I hold these gifts from the sea, I realize that they tell a story of redeemed brokenness. My soul echoes this story. When I experience trauma that shatters my soul, I can only gaze at the sharply broken pieces. If I try to pick up the shards I will only hurt myself even more. This is when I turn to Jesus, whose hands are already scarred, and let Him gather all the painful pieces. He brings my sorrow and mourning to the wideness of His mercy. There, in the waves of His comfort the broken pieces are tumbled and tossed, becoming bits of beauty to cherish.
As I worked on this painting I held each piece of sea glass that is portrayed on the canvas. How much more does the Lord hold all of our brokenness! He indeed is acquainted with all our grief, and in His hands He holds our healing.