Yearning for Beauty
Yearning for Beauty: oil on canvas, 24″x24″
One of the best things about Summer along the Front Range of the Rockies is the glorious sunsets. There is a field on the top of a hill in our neighborhood, and as the heat of day fades, the colors of sky, mountains, and prairie grasses begin their dance. I crave the beauty of this fiery dusk; it trickles down into my soul, restoring my sense of wonder and peace.There is so much that is wrong in our world today. We are constantly besieged by the tragic imagery of all that is warped and perverted. Today I choose to find the beauty that God freely brings to us all. My painting, “Yearning for Beauty,” is my mission statement and my prayer of gratitude for all the work of His hands. The Psalmist (King David) wrote about this almost 3,000 years ago when he penned, “The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of His hands. (Psalm 19:1).