Quiet Path
Early in our marriage we were so very blessed to spend 2 years working at Continental Theological Seminary, then known as Continental Bible College, in Belgium. This painting shows a …
Early in our marriage we were so very blessed to spend 2 years working at Continental Theological Seminary, then known as Continental Bible College, in Belgium. This painting shows a …
John 19:16-17 reads as follows: “Jesus said to her, ‘Mary.’ She turned and said to Him in Aramaic, ‘Rabboni!’ (which means Teacher). Jesus said to her, “Do not cling to …
In honor of the season of Lent, I want to share this painting, “Streams of Mercy.” Inspired by the hymn, “Come Thou Font,” I envisioned the mercy of Jesus as …
It is the middle of Winter, with snowy ground, barren trees, a chilly sky, and I’m housebound with a broken ankle…my husband has carried my crucial art-making supplies up from …
Gardening, working the soil so plants thrive, is a wonderful activity! This painting is about how our souls can flourish; by being rooted in love. Roots are of primary importance …
Deep in our brains there is a small place called the locus coeruleus which is Latin for blue spot. This tiny place governs how we manage stress and panic. It …
Jesus is pale and weary from blood loss. As He is stretched out on the cross, He watches the Roman soldier nail the sign of accusation against Him. Pilate had …
As Jesus approaches Golgotha He notices a group of weeping women. It seems odd that He would turn to them and speak, and yet that is just what He does. …
Jesus can no longer carry His cross due to the blood loss and injuries He sustained from the flogging. The Roman soldiers pull Simon of Cyrene (North Africa) out of …
Welcome to my new gallery that showcases paintings in a fresh style that I call Illuminated Mosaics! The word “illuminated” describes the vibrant combination of light and color used to …