Almond Branches in Bloom
Almond Branches in Bloom: oil on linen, 12″x12″
I think that God likes almond blossoms; their petals and form were part of His design for the original menorah in the Tabernacle. The almond branch that sprouted, budded, blossomed, and showed fruit all at once was the miraculous sign of God’s favor and choosing Aaron as the High Priest. The Lord could have caused Aaron’s staff to do any number of things as evidence of His calling. It could have burst into flames like the burning bush, or turned into a viper like Moses’ staff did. Instead, it turned into a vibrant and beautiful version of its original material. This is how the Lord reveals the goodness of His calling on our lives; the shape of light, held; cupped in a fragile almond blossom. I am so grateful for how the Lord weaves beauty and wonder in our lives.